Present Over Perfect

(Grace) #1

many times a day, and our constant refrain sounds like this:
what can you lay down? How can we make this simpler?
Are you getting enough rest? Can I take your kids for a
couple hours?
Instead of competing for who’s busier or who’s more
tired, who’s keeping more balls in the air, we’re constantly
looking for ways to help each other’s lives get lighter, easier
to carry, closer to the heart of what we love, less clogged
with expectations and unnecessary tasks. These women are
like my training wheels as I learn this, keeping me upright
as I wobble along, and I’m so thankful.
And don’t worry: no won’t always be the word you use
most often. I hate that for a season, no had to be the answer
to almost everything. But over time, when you rebuild a life
that’s the right size and dimension and weight, full of the
things you’re called to, emptied of the rest, then you do get
to live some yes again. But for a while, no is what gets you

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