Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music

(Barré) #1
Basic Music Theory

From there it’s easy to fill in the rest of the note names, like so:

Example 20.2 Piano keyboard with natural notes named.

Flat Notes on the Keyboard

Any black key directly to the left of a white key is a flat note (remember
to the left is lower). The note’s name is derived from the natural note. So
the black key just to the left of the A, is A flat. The black key directly to
the left of the D is D flat. And so on.
Due to the limited space, I’ll use the symbol for flat (b) next to the letter
name instead of the word flat.

Example 20.3 Piano keyboard with natural notes and flat notes.


Db Eb Gb Ab Bb Db Eb

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