Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music
Basic Music Theory
Chapter 31 Review
- What is a chord progression?
- What is the rule about doubling chord tones?
- What is disjunct motion?
- What is the rule about disjunct motion?
- What is the rule about common tones from one
chord to another?
- What is contrary motion?
- What is parallel motion?
- Which types of parallel motion should be avoided?
- Which chords are used for the I IV V^7 I progression
in the key of Bb?
- Where would you be likely to find this
- The movement
from one chord to
- Doubling the
octave and fifth is
common; doubling
the 3rd less so;
and doubling the
extensions is rare
- A leap of more
than a second
- Keep it to a
minimum. Okay in
the bass voice
- Keep the common
tones in the same
- One voice goes
up, the other goes
down, or vice-
- Both voices
moving in the
same direction
with the same
- Parallel fourths,
fifths and octaves
- Bb Eb, F^7 , Bb
- At the end of a
section or song