Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music

(Barré) #1

general info, 160
sharp, 161
double sharp, 294
double flat, 294
Aeolian mode, 218
augmented triads, 250

bar, 28
bar line, 28
bass clef, 50, 62
beam, 114, 288
beat, 92
bebop scales, 225
blues scale
standard, 222
major blues, 223
minor, 222
recipe for one, 223

C clef, 49
chord, 246
Chord Extensions
general info, 254
seventh chord, 254
ninth chord, 256
seventh chord
dominant seventh chord, 255
Chord Inversions
general info, 260
first, 261
second, 262
third, 263
seventh chords, 263
Chord Progression
general info, 268
parallel motion, 270
rules of, 268
similar motion, 269
I IV V I, 270
ii V I, 272
iii vi ii V I, 273
12 bar blues, 273
chord progression, 268
chord quality, 246
Finding name of, 263
general info, 246

triads, 247
close harmony, 260
open harmony, 260
seventh chord
dominant seventh chord, 255
augmented, 250
diminished, 249
major, 248
minor, 249
using Roman numerals with, 246
11th and 13th chords, 256
seventh chord, 254
ninth chord, 256
chromatic scale, 169
general info, 48
alto clef, 49
bass, 50
bass clef, 62
C clef, 49
rhythm clef, 51, 68
one line, 68
5 lines, 69
drum set notes, 70
soprano clef, 49
tenor clef, 49
treble clef, 50
vocal tenor clef, 49
close harmony, 260
common tone, 269
compoiund interval, 254
general info, 236
left hand, 240
right hand, 240
2/4 time, 239
3/4 time, 239
4/4 time, 238
right arm, 238
conducting, 236
Counting System
whole note, 110
half note, 109
quarter note, 109
eighth notes, 115
rests, 111
cut time, 298

diminished triads, 249

directing, see Conducting
dominant seventh chord, 255
Dorian mode, 217
dotted half note, 123
dotted whole note, 122
double bar lines, 28
double dotted notes, 289
double dotted rests, 289
double flat, 294
double sharp, 294
doubling, 268

ear training, 204
eighth note, 114
eighth note triplet, 128
eighth rest, 115
11th and 13th chords, 256
Extensions, see Chord Extensions

fifth, 247
first inversion, 261
flag, 114, 288
flat, 167
double flat, 294
order of, 181
foot tap, 108

half note, 92, 109
half rest, 111
half step, 169, 175
harmonic, 198
harmonic interval, 198
harmonic minor scale, 211
head, 93

interval, 198
finding an interval, 198
augmented, 200, 201
diminished, 200, 201
finding, 201
harmonic, 198
major, 200, 201
melodic, 198
minor, 201


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