Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music

(Barré) #1

Part III, 133
Part IV, 189
Part V, 229
Part VI, 277
Part VII, 303
rhythm clef, 68
root, 247
root position, 260

bebop, 225
blues, 222
chromatic, 169
harmonic minor, 211
major, 174, 216
melodic minor, 212
natural minor, 218
parallel minor, 210
pentatonic, 224
relative minor, 210
super Locrian, 226

whole tone, 225
second inversion, 262
seventh chord, 254
sharp, 161, 168
similar motion, 269
sixteenth note, 116
sixteenth note triplet, 129
sixty-fourth note, 288
space, 24
space note, 32
staff, 24
staff lines, 24
stem, 94
super Locrian scale, 226

tap, 108
third, 247
thirty-second note, 288
time signature, see meter
triad, 247

eighth, 128
sixteenth, 129
tuner, 154
tuplet, 128

unison, 199

voice leading, 268

warm-up, 150
washtub bass, 156
whole note, 92, 110
whole rest, 111
whole step, 169, 175
whole tone scale, 225
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