Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music

(Barré) #1
Part II Review 44

  1. In the example below:
    Note G is than note A.
    Note B is
    than note C.
    Note D is ___ than note E.
    page 33

  2. What kind of note comes right before or after a
    space note?
    page 32

  3. What kind of note comes right before or after a
    line note?
    page 32


  1. lower

  2. A line note

  3. A space note

Moving On

Okay. That was pretty painless, I hope. Once you have this information stored in your
little gray cells, take the quiz or move on to Part II, Clef Notes.
Part II is the shortest Part of the book in which you’ll learn about clefs, the odd-looking
symbols you’ve been seeing at the beginning of a staff.
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