The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1

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‘The prosecutor asks at what moment could Smerdyakov
have committed the murder. But it is very easy to point out
that moment. He might have waked up from deep sleep (for
he was only asleep — an epileptic fit is always followed by a
deep sleep) at that moment when the old Grigory shouted
at the top of his voice ‘Parricide!’ That shout in the dark
and stillness may have waked Smerdyakov whose sleep may
have been less sound at the moment: he might naturally
have waked up an hour before.
‘Getting out of bed, he goes almost unconsciously and
with no definite motive towards the sound to see what’s the
matter. His head is still clouded with his attack, his facul-
ties are half asleep; but, once in the garden, he walks to the
lighted windows and he hears terrible news from his master,
who would be, of course, glad to see him. His mind sets to
work at once. He hears all the details from his frightened
master, and gradually in his disordered brain there shapes
itself an idea — terrible, but seductive and irresistibly logi-
cal. To kill the old man, take the three thousand, and throw
all the blame on to his young master. A terrible lust of mon-
ey, of booty, might seize upon him as he realised his security
from detection. Oh! these sudden and irresistible impulses
come so often when there is a favourable opportunity, and
especially with murderers who have had no idea of commit-
ting a murder beforehand. And Smerdyakov may have gone
in and carried out his plan. With what weapon? Why, with
any stone picked up in the garden. But what for, with what
object? Why, the three thousand which means a career for
him. Oh, I am not contradicting myself — the money may

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