The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1
00 The Brothers Karamazov

Chapter 6



E did in fact find his father still at table. Though there
was a dining-room in the house, the table was laid as
usual in the drawing room, which was the largest room, and
furnished with old-fashioned ostentation. The furniture
was white and very old, upholstered in old, red, silky mate-
rial. In the spaces between the windows there were mirrors
in elaborate white and gilt frames, of old-fashioned carving.
On the walls, covered with white paper, which was torn in
many places, there hung two large portraits — one of some
prince who had been governor of the district thirty years
before, and the other of some bishop, also long since dead.
In the corner opposite the door there were several ikons, be-
fore which a lamp was lighted at nightfall... not so much for
devotional purposes as to light the room. Fyodor Pavlovitch
used to go to bed very late, at three or four o’clock in the
morning,and would wander about the room at night or sit
in an armchair, thinking. This had become a habit with him.
He often slept quite alone in the house, sending his servants
to the lodge; but usually Smerdyakov remained, sleeping on
a bench in the hall.
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