The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1
 The Brothers Karamazov

used to be then, his mother. Spurt some water on him from
your mouth, that’s what I used to do to her. He’s upset about
his mother, his mother,’ he muttered to Ivan.
‘But she was my mother, too, I believe, his mother. Was
she not?’ said Ivan, with uncontrolled anger and contempt.
The old man shrank before his flashing eyes. But something
very strange had happened, though only for a second; it
seemed really to have escaped the old man’s mind that Aly-
osha’s mother actually was the mother of Ivan too.
‘Your mother?’ he muttered, not understanding. ‘What
do you mean? What mother are you talking about? Was
she?... Why, damn it! of course she was yours too! Damn
it! My mind has never been so darkened before. Excuse me,
why, I was thinking Ivan... He he he!’ He stopped. A broad,
drunken, half senseless grin overspread his face.
At that moment a fearful noise, and clamour was heard
in the hall, there were violent shouts, the door was flung
open, and Dmitri burst into the room. The old man rushed
to Ivan in terror.
‘He’ll kill me! He’ll kill me! Don’t let him get at me!’ he
screamed, clinging to the skirt of Ivan’s coat.

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