The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1

 0 The Brothers Karamazov

‘She’s here!’ shouted Dmitri. ‘I saw her turn towards
the house just now, but I couldn’t catch her. Where is she?
Where is she?’
That shout, ‘She’s here!’ produced an indescribable effect
on Fyodor Pavlovitch. All his terror left him.
‘Hold him! Hold him!’ he cried, and dashed after Dmi-
tri. Meanwhile Grigory had got up from the floor, but still
seemed stunned. Ivan and Alyosha ran after their father.
In the third room something was heard to fall on the floor
with a ringing crash: it was a large glass vase — not an ex-
pensive one — on a marble pedestal which Dmitri had upset
as he ran past it.
‘At him!’ shouted the old man. ‘Help!’
Ivan and Alyosha caught the old man and were forcibly
bringing him back.
‘Why do you run after him? He’ll murder you outright,’
Ivan cried wrathfully at his father.
‘Ivan! Alyosha! She must be here. Grushenka’s here. He
said he saw her himself, running.’
He was choking. He was not expecting Grushenka at the
time, and the sudden news that she was here made him be-
side himself. He was trembling all over. He seemed frantic.
‘But you’ve seen for yourself that she hasn’t come,’ cried
‘But she may have come by that other entrance.’
‘You know that entrance is locked, and you have the key.’
Dmitri suddenly reappeared in the drawing-room. He
had, of course, found the other entrance locked, and the key
actually was in Fyodor Pavlovitch’s pocket. The windows of

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