0 The Brothers Karamazov
skirts. Two or three women, perhaps, had run out of the
Alyosha thought it strange that his arrival should cause
such excitement. He was conducted, however, to the draw-
ing-room at once. It was a large room, elegantly and amply
furnished, not at all in provincial style. There were many
sofas, lounges, settees, big and little tables. There were pic-
tures on the walls, vases and lamps on the tables, masses
of flowers, and even an aquarium in the window. It was
twilight and rather dark. Alyosha made out a silk mantle
thrown down on the sofa, where people had evidently just
been sitting; and on a table in front of the sofa were two un-
finished cups of chocolate, cakes, a glass saucer with blue
raisins, and another with sweetmeats. Alyosha saw that he
had interrupted visitors, and frowned. But at that instant
the portiere was raised, and with rapid, hurrying footsteps
Katerina Ivanovna came in, holding out both hands to Aly-
osha with a radiant smile of delight. At the same instant a
servant brought in two lighted candles and set them on the
‘Thank God! At last you have come too! I’ve been simply
praying for you all day! Sit down.’
Alyosha had been struck by Katerina Ivanovna’s beauty
when, three weeks before, Dmitri had first brought him, at
Katerina Ivanovna’s special request, to be introduced to her.
There had been no conversation between them at that inter-
view, however. Supposing Alyosha to be very shy, Katerina
Ivanovna had talked all the time to Dmitri to spare him.
Alyosha had been silent, but he had seen a great deal very