The Brothers Karamazov
Chapter 1
Father Ferapont
LYOSHA was roused early, before daybreak. Father
Zossima woke up feeling very weak, though he wanted
to get out of bed and sit up in a chair. His mind was quite
clear; his face looked very tired, yet bright and almost joy-
ful. It wore an expression of gaiety, kindness and cordiality.
‘Maybe I shall not live through the coming day,’ he said to
Alyosha. Then he desired to confess and take the sacrament
at once. He always confessed to Father Paissy. After taking
the communion, the service of extreme unction followed.
The monks assembled and the cell was gradually filled up
by the inmates of the hermitage. Meantime it was daylight.
People began coming from the monastery. After the service
was over the elder desired to kiss and take leave of every-
one. As the cell was so small the earlier visitors withdrew to
make room for others. Alyosha stood beside the elder, who
was seated again in his arm-chair. He talked as much as he
could. Though his voice was weak, it was fairly steady.
‘I’ve been teaching you so many years, and therefore I’ve
been talking aloud so many years, that I’ve got into the hab-
it of talking, and so much so that it’s almost more difficult