The Brothers Karamazov

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 0 The Brothers Karamazov

odorovitch, to go to him, to find some excuse to go to them
— I mean to that captain — oh, goodness, how badly I ex-
plain it! — and delicately, carefully, as only you know how
to’ (Alyosha blushed), ‘manage to give him this assistance,
these two hundred roubles. He will be sure to take it.... I
mean, persuade him to take it.... Or, rather, what do I mean?
You see it’s not by way of compensation to prevent him from
taking proceedings (for I believe he meant to), but simply a
token of sympathy, of a desire to assist him from me, Dmi-
tri Fyodorovitch’s betrothed, not from himself.... But you
know.... I would go myself, but you’ll know how to do it ever
so much better. He lives in Lake Street in the house of a
woman called Kalmikov.... For God’s sake, Alexey Fyodo-
rovitch, do it for me, and now... now I am rather... tired...
She turned and disappeared behind the portiere so
quickly that Alyosha had not time to utter a word, though
he wanted to speak. He longed to beg her pardon, to blame
himself, to say something, for his heart was full and he
could not bear to go out of the room without it. But Ma-
dame Hohlakov took him by the hand and drew him along
with her. In the hall she stopped him again as before.
‘She is proud, she is struggling with herself; but kind,
charming, generous, ‘she exclaimed, in a half-whisper. ‘Oh,
how I love her, especially sometimes, and how glad I am
again of everything! Dear Alexey Fyodorovitch, you didn’t
know, but I must tell you, that we all, all — both her aunts,
I and all of us, Lise, even — have been hoping and pray-
ing for nothing for the last month but that she may give

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