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that you are in such need. No one will know of it, it can
give rise to no unjust slander. There are the two hundred
roubles, and I swear you must take them unless — unless all
men are to be enemies on earth! But there are brothers even
on earth.... You have a generous heart... you must see that,
you must,’ and Alyosha held out two new rainbow-coloured
hundred-rouble notes.
They were both standing at the time by the great stone
close to the fence, and there was no one near. The notes
seemed to produce a tremendous impression on the cap-
tain. He started, but at first only from astonishment. Such
an outcome of their conversation was the last thing he ex-
pected. Nothing could have been farther from his dreams
than help from anyone — and such a sum!
He took the notes, and for a minute he was almost un-
able to answer, quite a new expression came into his face.
‘That for me? So much money — two hundred roubles!
Good heavens! Why, I haven’t seen so much money for
the last four years! Mercy on us! And she says she is a sis-
ter.... And is that the truth?’ ‘I swear that all I told you is the
truth,’cried Alyosha.
The captain flushed red.
‘Listen, my dear, listen. If I take it, I shan’t be behaving
like a scoundrel? In your eyes, Alexey Fyodorovitch, I shan’t
be a scoundrel? No, Alexey Fyodorovitch, listen, listen,’ he
hurried, touching Alyosha with both his hands. ‘You are
persuading me to take it, saying that it’s a sister sends it, but
inwardly, in your heart won’t you feel contempt for me if I
take it, eh?’