The Brothers Karamazov

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 0 The Brothers Karamazov

been instructed, ‘from an unknown benefactress.’
‘Get up, my dear boy,’ the elder went on to Alyosha. ‘Let
me look at you. Have you been home and seen your brother?’
It seemed strange to Alyosha that he asked so confidently
and precisely, about one of his brothers only — but which
one? Then perhaps he had sent him out both yesterday and
to-day for the sake of that brother.
‘I have seen one of my brothers,’ answered Alyosha.
‘I mean the elder one, to whom I bowed down.’
‘I only saw him yesterday and could not find him to-day,’
said Alyosha.
‘Make haste to find him, go again to-morrow and make
haste, leave everything and make haste. Perhaps you may
still have time to prevent something terrible. I bowed down
yesterday to the great suffering in store for him.’
He was suddenly silent and seemed to be pondering. The
words were strange. Father Iosif, who had witnessed the
scene yesterday, exchanged glances with Father Paissy. Aly-
osha could not resist asking:
‘Father and teacher,’ he began with extreme emotion,
‘your words are too obscure.... What is this suffering in store
for him?’
‘Don’t inquire. I seemed to see something terrible yes-
terday... as though his whole future were expressed in his
eyes. A look came into his eyes — so that I was instantly
horror-stricken at what that man is preparing for himself.
Once or twice in my life I’ve seen such a look in a man’s
face... reflecting as it were his future fate, and that fate, alas,
came to pass. I sent you to him, Alexey, for I thought your

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