00 The Brothers Karamazov
ready, but had never made his acquaintance nor exchanged
a word with him till that evening.
(d) The Mysterious Visitor.
He had long been an official in the town; he was in a
prominent position, respected by all, rich and had a reputa-
tion for benevolence. He subscribed considerable sums to
the almshouse and the orphan asylum; he was very chari-
table, too, in secret, a fact which only became known after
his death. He was a man of about fifty, almost stern in ap-
pearance and not much given to conversation. He had been
married about ten years and his wife, who was still young,
had borne him three children. Well, I was sitting alone in
my room the following evening, when my door suddenly
opened and this gentleman walked in.
I must mention, by the way, that I was no longer living in
my former quarters. As soon as I resigned my commission,
I took rooms with an old lady, the widow of a government
clerk. My landlady’s servant waited upon me, for I had
moved into her rooms simply because on my return from
the duel I had sent Afanasy back to the regiment, as I felt
ashamed to look him in the face after my last interview with
him. So prone is the man of the world to be ashamed of any
righteous action.
‘I have,’ said my visitor, ‘with great interest listened to
you speaking in different houses the last few days and I
wanted at last to make your personal acquaintance, so as
to talk to you more intimately. Can you, dear sir, grant me
this favour?’
‘I can, with the greatest pleasure, and I shall look upon it