The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1

 0 The Brothers Karamazov

Paissy. ‘Can you be with those of little faith?’ he added
Alyosha stood still and gazed vaguely at Father Paissy,
but quickly turned his eyes away again and again looked on
the ground. He stood sideways and did not turn his face to
Father Paissy, who watched him attentively.
‘Where are you hastening? The bell calls to service,’ he
asked again, but again Alyosha gave no answer.
‘Are you leaving the hermitage? What, without asking
leave, without asking a blessing?’
Alyosha suddenly gave a wry smile, cast a strange, very
strange, look at the Father to whom his former guide, the
former sovereign of his heart and mind, his beloved elder,
had confided him as he lay dying. And suddenly, still with-
out speaking, waved his hand, as though not caring even
to be respectful, and with rapid steps walked towards the
gates away from the hermitage.
‘You will come back again!’ murmured Father Paissy,
looking after him with sorrowful surprise.

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