The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1
 The Brothers Karamazov

‘Where are we going? No, wait a minute.... Are you think-
ing of putting that bullet in your brain, perhaps?’ Pyotr
Ilyitch asked uneasily.
‘I was fooling about the bullet! I want to live. I love life,
You may be sure of that. I love golden-haired Phorbus and
his warm light.... Dear Pyotr Ilyitch, do you know how to
step aside?’
‘What do you mean by ‘stepping aside’?’
‘Making way. Making way for a dear creature, and for
one I hate. And to let the one I hate become dear — that’s
what making way means! And to say to them: God bless you,
go your way, pass on, while I-.’
‘While you-?’
‘That’s enough, let’s go.’
‘Upon my word. I’ll tell someone to prevent your going
there,’ said Pyotr Ilyitch, looking at him. ‘What are you go-
ing to Mokroe for, now?’
‘There’s a woman there, a woman. That’s enough for you.
You shut up.’
‘Listen, though you’re such a savage I’ve always liked
you.... I feel anxious.’
‘Thanks, old fellow. I’m a savage you say. Savages, sav-
ages! That’s what I am always saying. Savages! Why, here’s
Misha! I was forgetting him.’
Misha ran in, post-haste, with a handful of notes in
change, and reported that everyone was in a bustle at the
Plotnikovs’; ‘They’re carrying down the bottles, and the fish,
and the tea; it will all be ready directly.’ Mitya seized ten
roubles and handed it to Pyotr Ilyitch, then tossed another

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