The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1

00 The Brothers Karamazov

of Heaven or of Satan, but... not Smerdyakov,’ Mitya jerked
out with decision.
‘But what makes you affirm so confidently and emphati-
cally that it’s not he?’
‘From my conviction — my impression. Because Smerdya-
kov is a man of the most abject character and a coward. He’s
not a coward, he’s the epitome of all the cowardice in the
world walking on two legs. He has the heart of a chicken.
When he talked to me, he was always trembling for fear I
should kill him, though I never raised my hand against
him. He fell at my feet and blubbered; he has kissed these
very boots, literally, beseeching me ‘not to frighten him.’ Do
you hear? ‘Not to frighten him.’ What a thing to say! Why, I
offered him money. He’s a puling chicken — sickly, epilep-
tic, weak-minded — a child of eight could thrash him. He
has no character worth talking about. It’s not Smerdyakov,
gentlemen. He doesn’t care for money; he wouldn’t take my
presents. Besides, what motive had he for murdering the old
man? Why, he’s very likely his son, you know — his natural
son. Do you know that?’
‘We have heard that legend. But you are your father’s son,
too, you know; yet you yourself told everyone you meant to
murder him.’
‘That’s a thrust! And a nasty, mean one, too! I’m not
afraid! Oh, gentlemen, isn’t it too base of you to say that
to my face? It’s base, because I told you that myself. I not
only wanted to murder him, but I might have done it. And,
what’s more, I went out of my way to tell you of my own
accord that I nearly murdered him. But, you see, I didn’t

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