The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1
 The Brothers Karamazov

the whole case... and particularly for you, particularly im-
portant for you.’
‘Have mercy, gentlemen!’ Mitya flung up his hands.
‘Don’t write that, anyway; have some shame. Here I’ve torn
my heart asunder before you, and you seize the opportu-
nity and are fingering the wounds in both halves.... Oh, my
In despair he hid his face in his hands.
‘Don’t worry yourself so, Dmitri Fyodorovitch,’ observed
the prosecutor, ‘everything that is written down will be
read over to you afterwards, and what you don’t agree to
we’ll alter as you like. But now I’ll ask you one little question
for the second time. Has no one, absolutely no one, heard
from you of that money you sewed up? That, I must tell you,
is almost impossible to believe.’
‘No one, no one, I told you so before, or you’ve not under-
stood anything! Let me alone!’
‘Very well, this matter is bound to be explained, and
there’s plenty of time for it, but meantime, consider; we have
perhaps a dozen witnesses that you yourself spread it abroad,
and even shouted almost everywhere about the three thou-
sand you’d spent here; three thousand, not fifteen hundred.
And now, too, when you got hold of the money you had yes-
terday, you gave many people to understand that you had
brought three thousand with you.’
‘You’ve got not dozens, but hundreds of witnesses, two
hundred witnesses, two hundred have heard it, thousands
have heard it!’ cried Mitya.
‘Well, you see, all bear witness to it. And the word all

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