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listened attentively, and only shrugged his shoulders.
‘Well, gentlemen, I don’t blame you. I’m ready.... I under-
stand that there’s nothing else for you to do.’
Nikolay Parfenovitch informed him gently that he would
be escorted at once by the rural police officer, Mavriky Ma-
vrikyevitch, who happened to be on the spot....
‘Stay,’ Mitya interrupted, suddenly, and impelled by un-
controllable feeling he pronounced, addressing all in the
‘Gentlemen, we’re all cruel, we’re all monsters, we all
make men weep, and mothers, and babes at the breast, but
of all, let it be settled here, now, of all I am the lowest reptile!
I’ve sworn to amend, and every day I’ve done the same filthy
things. I understand now that such men as I need a blow,
a blow of destiny to catch them as with a noose, and bind
them by a force from without. Never, never should I have
risen of myself! But the thunderbolt has fallen. I accept the
torture of accusation, and my public shame; I want to suffer
and by suffering I shall be purified. Perhaps I shall be puri-
fied, gentlemen? But listen, for the last time, I am not guilty
of my father’s blood. I accept my punishment, not because
I killed him, but because I meant to kill him, and perhaps I
really might have killed him. Still I mean to fight it out with
you. I warn you of that. I’ll fight it out with you to the end,
and then God will decide. Good-bye, gentlemen, don’t be
vexed with me for having shouted at you during the exami-
nation. Oh, I was still such a fool then.... In another minute
I shall be a prisoner, but now, for the last time, as a free man,
Dmitri Karamazov offers you his hand. Saying good-bye to