The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1
0 The Brothers Karamazov

what to do, that he wanted no one’s advice, and that, if he
went to see Ilusha, he would choose his own time for he had
‘his own reasons.’
That was a fortnight before this Sunday. That was why
Alyosha had not been to see him, as he had meant to. But
though he waited he sent Smurov to him twice again. Both
times Krassotkin met him with a curt, impatient refusal,
sending Alyosha a message not to bother him any more,
that if he came himself, he, Krassotkin, would not go to Ilu-
sha at all. Up to the very last day, Smurov did not know
that Kolya meant to go to Ilusha that morning, and only the
evening before, as he parted from Smurov, Kolya abrupt-
ly told him to wait at home for him next morning, for he
would go with him to the Snegiryovs, but warned him on
no account to say he was coming, as he wanted to drop in
casually. Smurov obeyed. Smurov’s fancy that Kolya would
bring back the lost dog was based on the words Kolya had
dropped that ‘they must be asses not to find the dog, if it
was alive.’ When Smurov, waiting for an opportunity, tim-
idly hinted at his guess about the dog, Krassotkin flew into
a violent rage. ‘I’m not such an ass as to go hunting about
the town for other people’s dogs when I’ve got a dog of my
own! And how can you imagine a dog could be alive after
swallowing a pin? Sheepish sentimentality, thats what it is!
For the last fortnight Ilusha had not left his little bed
under the ikons in the corner. He had not been to school
since the day he met Alyosha and bit his finger. He was tak-
en ill the same day, though for a month afterwards he was
sometimes able to get up and walk about the room and pas-

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