1 The Brothers Karamazov
still round the dog, he gazed enchanted at the toy. The sen-
sation was even greater when Kolya announced that he had
gunpowder too, and that it could be fired off at once ‘if it
won’t alarm the ladies.’ ‘Mamma’ immediately asked to look
at the toy closer and her request was granted. She was much
pleased with the little bronze cannon on wheels and began
rolling it to and fro on her lap. She readily gave permission
for the cannon to be fired, without any idea of what she had
been asked. Kolya showed the powder and the shot. The
captain, as a military man, undertook to load it, putting in
a minute quantity of powder. He asked that the shot might
be put off till another time. The cannon was put on the floor,
aiming towards an empty part of the room, three grains
of powder were thrust into the touchhole and a match was
put to it. A magnificent explosion followed. Mamma was
startled, but at once laughed with delight. The boys gazed in
speechless triumph. But the captain, looking at Ilusha, was
more enchanted than any of them. Kolya picked up the can-
non and immediately presented it to Ilusha, together with
the powder and the shot.
‘I got it for you, for you! I’ve been keeping it for you a long
time,’ he repeated once more in his delight.
‘Oh, give it to me! No, give me the cannon!’ mamma be-
gan begging like a little child. Her face showed a piteous
fear that she would not get it. Kolya was disconcerted. The
captain fidgeted uneasily.
‘Mamma, mamma,’ he ran to her, ‘the cannon’s yours, of
course, but let Ilusha have it, because it’s a present to him,
but it’s just as good as yours. Ilusha will always let you play