The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1
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Chapter 6



HAT do you think the doctor will say to him?’
Kolya asked quickly. ‘What a repulsive mug, though,
hasn’t he? I can’t endure medicine!’
‘Ilusha is dying. I think that’s certain,’ answered Alyosha,
‘They are rogues! Medicine’s a fraud! I am glad to have
made your acquaintance, though, Karamazov. I wanted to
know you for a long time. I am only sorry we meet in such
sad circumstances.’
Kolya had a great inclination to say something even
warmer and more demonstrative, but he felt ill at ease. Aly-
osha noticed this, smiled, and pressed his hand.
‘I’ve long learned to respect you as a rare person,’ Kolya
muttered again, faltering and uncertain. ‘I have heard you
are a mystic and have been in the monastery. I know you are
a mystic, but... that hasn’t put me off. Contact with real life
will cure you.... It’s always so with characters like yours.’
‘What do you mean by mystic? Cure me of what?’ Alyo-
sha was rather astonished.
‘Oh, God and all the rest of it.’
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