The Brothers Karamazov

(coco) #1
 The Brothers Karamazov

‘There is only one man in the world who can command
Nikolay Krassotkin — this is the man,’ Kolya pointed to
Alyosha. ‘I obey him, good-bye!’
He stepped forward, opened the door, and quickly went
into the inner room. Perezvon flew after him. The doctor
stood still for five seconds in amazement, looking at Alyo-
sha; then, with a curse, he went out quickly to the carriage,
repeating aloud, ‘This is... this is... I don’t know what it is!’
The captain darted forward to help him into the carriage.
Alyosha followed Kolya into the room. He was already by
Ilusha’s bedside. The sick boy was holding his hand and
calling for his father. A minute later the captain, too, came
‘Father, father, come... we...’ Ilusha faltered in violent ex-
citement, but apparently unable to go on, he flung his wasted
arms, found his father and Kolya, uniting them in one em-
brace, and hugging them as tightly as he could. The captain
suddenly began to shake with dumb sobs, and Kolya’s lips
and chin twitched.
‘Father, father! How sorry I am for you!’ Ilusha moaned
‘Ilusha... darling... the doctor said... you would be all
right... we shall be happy... the doctor... ‘ the captain began.
‘Ah, father! I know what the new doctor said to you about
me.... I saw!’ cried Ilusha, and again he hugged them both
with all his strength, hiding his face on his father’s shoul-
‘Father, don’t cry, and when I die get a good boy, another
one... choose one of them all, a good one, call him Ilusha

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