The Brothers Karamazov
Chapter 1
At Grushenka’s
LYOSHA went towards the cathedral square to the wid-
ow Morozov’s house to see Grushenka, who had sent
Fenya to him early in the morning with an urgent message
begging him to come. Questioning Fenya, Alyosha learned
that her mistress had been particularly distressed since the
previous day. During the two months that had passed since
Mitya’s arrest, Alyosha had called frequently at the widow
Morozov’s house, both from his own inclination and to take
messages for Mitya. Three days after Mitya’s arrest, Grush-
enka was taken very ill and was ill for nearly five weeks. For
one whole week she was unconscious. She was very much
changed — thinner and a little sallow, though she had for
the past fortnight been well enough to go out. But to Alyo-
sha her face was even more attractive than before, and he
liked to meet her eyes when he went in to her. A look of
firmness and intelligent purpose had developed in her face.
There were signs of a spiritual transformation in her, and
a steadfast, fine and humble determination that nothing
could shake could be discerned in her. There was a small
vertical line between her brows which gave her charming