The Brothers Karamazov

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Lise, Madame Hohlakov heard of his arrival from some-
one, and immediately sent to beg him to come to her ‘just
for one minute.’ Alyosha reflected that it was better to ac-
cede to the mamma’s request, or else she would be sending
down to Lise’s room every minute that he was there. Ma-
dame Hohlakov was lying on a couch. She was particularly
smartly dressed and was evidently in a state of extreme ner-
vous excitement. She greeted Alyosha with cries of rapture.
‘It’s ages, ages, perfect ages since I’ve seen you! It’s a whole
week — only think of it! Ah, but you were here only four
days ago, on Wednesday. You have come to see Lise. I’m
sure you meant to slip into her room on tiptoe, without my
hearing you. My dear, dear Alexey Fyodorovitch, if you only
knew how worried I am about her! But of that later, though
that’s the most important thing, of that later. Dear Alexey
Fyodorovitch, I trust you implicitly with my Lise. Since the
death of Father Zossima — God rest his soul!’ (she crossed
herself) — ‘I look upon you as a monk, though you look
charming in your new suit. Where did you find such a tailor
in these parts? No, no, that’s not the chief thing — of that
later. Forgive me for sometimes calling you Alyosha; an old
woman like me may take liberties,’ she smiled coquettish-
ly; ‘but that will do later, too. The important thing is that I
shouldn’t forget what is important. Please remind me of it
yourself. As soon as my tongue runs away with me, you just
say ‘the important thing?’ Ach! how do I know now what is
of most importance? Ever since Lise took back her promise
— her childish promise, Alexey Fyodorovitch — to marry
you, you’ve realised, of course, that it was only the playful

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