Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

learning community share a common vision of the attributes of effective
and creative problem solvers not only for their students but for themselves
as well; when resources are allocated to the development of those dispo-
sitions; when strategies to enhance those characteristics in themselves and
others are planned; and when members of the organization join in efforts
to continuously assess, refine, and integrate those behaviors in their own
and the organization’s practices. The result of a full-system approach is
exemplified by this excerpt from a 5th grader’s valedictorian address dur-
ing graduation from Friendship Valley Elementary School in Westmin-
ster, Maryland:

I can tell you right now that we will never be able to forget the
Habits of Mind. They helped us so much! They taught us better
ways of doing things and how to resolve problems! We learned
respect and manners. My mother was so very impressed with this
teaching. Also we learned that you need to get along with others
and not to disrespect them either.

Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2007). Framework for 21st century learning.
Tucson, AZ: Author. Available: http://www.21stcenturyskills.org.
Resnick, L. (1999, June 16). Making America smarter. Education Week, pp. 38–40.


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