212 Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind
FIGURE 11.10
Rubric for Personal Exhibit Assessment
6th Grade Exhibition
Presenter’s Name:
Scorer’s Name:
Date of Presentation:
Scoring Criteria 1
Through this exhibit, the creator demonstrates
the following:
That she/he is a successful PROBLEM SOLVER
- Defines the problem.
- Brainstorms/thinks of possible solutions.
- Persists to find a solution.
4.Takes action.
That she/he is a thorough RESEARCHER - Raises questions/chooses topics to research.
- Knows where to look for information.
- Uses a variety of sources.
- Takes time to be thoughtful.
- Organizes the data.
- Checks for accuracy of information.
That she/he is an effective COMMUNICATOR - Uses his/her own voice (words) to express ideas.
- Uses feedback to strengthen his/her work.
- Final product communicates in an organized
and meaningful way to the audience—ideas are
clear and easily understood.
Her/His PLAQUES - Reflect on strategies and process.
- SHOW GROWTH in all areas.
Please write further comments below.Yo u r w o r d s a r e v e r y i m p o r t a n t!
Source: Central Elementary School, Mamaroneck, New York.