Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

As we all know, the social construction of knowledge about a book often
invites finding deeper meaning in the text. Perhaps that is why book read-
ing groups are so popular. We recommend that you use Learning and
Leading with Habits of Mindas a book around which you may construct
meaning. We suggest that you read designated parts of the book and meet
with some regularity with others to (1) dig more deeply into its meaning
and (2) reflect on your practice as you try some of what is suggested in the
text. It is our hope that this is not just another book to be read. Rather, we
hope that it is a book that you read, question, and revisit; and whose ideas
you will use, with the ultimate goal of developing a vision of, and practices
for, a thoughtful school.

Protocols for Chapter Study Groups

Given our hope for how you will use this book, we offer the following pro-
tocols for studying each chapter.

Protocol 1

Have each member of the group read the chapter individually. For
the group discussion, ask the following questions:


Suggestions for Using This Book

Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick


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