Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

service projects extend learning beyond classroom walls. A Comprehensive
Student Support System provides an additional array of services. A Primary
School Adjustment Project with a contracted psychiatrist, a school-based
behavioral health specialist, a school counselor, and counseling interns pro-
vide individualized intervention services as needs arise.

Orientation and Professional Development

When new teachers join the school, senior members of the faculty
introduce them to the language, values, and beliefs of the school culture
in whole- and small-group discussions, with staff members collaboratively
assigned to convey the language of intelligent behavior. To provide con-
text for the instruction, staff members draw upon their own experiences
that relate to the concepts inherent in “mindful behavior.” Furthermore,
the staff leaders give assistance where needed, helping new teachers
assimilate into the Waikiki School culture each semester through addi-
tional staff development experiences.

Staff Meetings

The school’s cultural value of collaboration is transmitted and prac-
ticed through staff meetings. All major school decisions are brought
before the school’s faculty for input and approval. During the decision-
making process, the principal asks questions such as “Is there anyone who
can’t live with that?” If someone cannot, discussion continues or the mat-
ter is dropped altogether. One year the school was offered Title I status
and money, both of which the principal admitted wanting. The staff gath-
ered in a circle, and each member (about 30 teachers) shared thoughts
and feelings. Many staff members were uncomfortable with the change,
so the principal informed the district superintendent that the school was
not interested in the offer. For one new teacher present at the meeting, the
experience was a powerful example of how the Waikiki School staff mem-
bers practice and live their values.

Concept Attainment

The main vehicle for conveying the language of a mindful school
to students is “concept attainment.” The purpose of the process is for

354 Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind

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