Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

366 Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind

Letter to Parents

Source: Tahoma School District No. 409. Copyright © 1998 by Tahoma School District. Used with permission.

Dear Parents,

We a r e e x ci t e d t o b e s t a r t i n g o u r y e a r w i t h t h e P u g e t S o u n d C o m mu ni t i e s i n t e -
grated unit! Students will have the opportunity to learn about Maple Valley’s his-
tory along with the history of Seattle. We will focus on the themes of Systems,
Cycles, and Relationships as we explore the systems that make up our commu-
nity of Maple Valley, learn about the salmon cycle, and explore the relationship
of past to present in our study of local history. We will emphasize the district out-
come of Community Contributor as we consider ways to improve our school
and neighborhoods.

Our thinking skill focus will be problem solving. We will practice a strategy for
this thinking skill with literature as we explore problems characters have in sto-
ries. Then we will use our strategy to look at the problems salmon face to survive.
Students will learn that a problem is a situation that needs a resolution. “Some-
thing is happening that is not right. We have to try to fix it.” They will apply a
strategy we will learn. The strategy includes defining the problem as a question,
inventing alternatives, critiquing the alternatives, and executing a plan.

In addition, we will reinforce the thinking behaviors of attending, risk taking,
persistence, and deliberativeness. We will apply these behaviors to pioneer set-
tlers in our area, to the salmon as they make their way upstream, and to com-
munity service projects that we will select as a class. We will also read the
newspaper to see how local people use thinking behaviors to be good commu-
nity contributors.

Throughout the unit, students will practice reading and writing skills. We will
focus on inferring to better understand what we read and will write friendly let-
ters to thank local people we interview as we learn more about our history. We
will also learn basic map skills. Students will explore a variety of picture and
chapter books to build an understanding of our three themes: Systems, Cycles,
and Relationships.

We w o u l d w e l c o m e a n y i d e a s o r m a t e r i a l s t h a t mi g h t e n r i c h o u r s t u d y o f t h e
Puget Sound Communities and our salmon resource. Please feel free to contact
me if you have materials to share with the class. Thank you so much!

Sincerely yours,
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