Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1
Integrating the Habits of Mind: A District Perspective 369

Two-Year Curriculum for Teaching the Habits of Mind

Tahoma School District
Habits of Mind
Arthur L. Costa
Grade 6
Thinking Flexibly Remains open to alternatives; sees
many possibilities.
Managing Impulsivity Thinks before acting; is deliberative.

Striving for Accuracy Uses criteria to evaluate quality;
demonstrates craftsmanship.
Gathering Data Through Observes using all sensory pathways;
All Senses engages the multiple intelligences.
Thinking About Thinking Puts into words his/her own thinking;
(Metacognition) self-reflects.
Thinking Interdependently Builds on other people’s thinking;
works collaboratively.
Thinking and Communicating Uses words carefully; strives for
with Clarity and Precision specificity in language.
Finding Humor Exhibits a whimsical approach to life.
Grade 7
Persisting Keeps on trying; does not give up easily.

Applying Past Knowledge Learns from experience.
to New Situations
Questioning and Asks questions; enjoys problem solving;
Posing Problems is curious.
Creating, Imagining, Innovating Enjoys making and doing original things;
strives for fluency and elaboration.
Listening with Understanding Listens to others attentively and with
and Empathy sensitivity.
Taking Responsible Risks Is willing to take on new challenges; is
not afraid of making mistakes.
Responding with Enjoys problem solving; demonstrates
Wo n d e r m e n t a n d Awe c u r i o s i t y.
Remaining Open to Strives for improvement; searches for
Continuous Learning new and better ways.

Source: Tahoma School District No. 409. Used with permission.

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