Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1
Changing Perspectives About Intelligence 13

cultivated, articulated, operationalized, taught, fostered, modeled, and
assessed. They can be an integral component of instruction in every
school subject, and they may determine achievement of any worthy goal
as one moves out into life.
We n e e d t o d o s u c h w o r k i f w e t r u l y a r e t o b e g u i d e d b y t h e r h e t o r i c
“all kids can learn.” We need to modify that slogan to “all kids do learn but
not on the same day and not in the same way.” Then, we have to under-
stand what it means not only to say that phrase but also to put it into oper-
ation in classrooms. We can no longer be satisfied with a system that is
willing to classify, categorize, and sort students on the basis of misaligned
test scores.
As Lauren Resnick (1999) stated, “One’s intelligence is the sum of
one’s habits of mind.”

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