Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1
1. Persisting

Leaders remain focused. They are committed to task completion.
They never lose sight of their own and their organization’s mission, vision,
and purposes.

2. Managing Impulsivity

Leaders think before they act, remaining calm, thoughtful, and delib-
erative. Leaders often hold back before commenting, considering alterna-
tives and exploring the consequences of their actions.

3. Listening with Understanding and Empathy

Leaders strive to understand their colleagues. They devote enormous
mental energy to comprehending and empathizing with others’ thoughts
and ideas.

4. Thinking Flexibly

Leaders are adaptable. They can change perspectives, generate alter-
natives, consider options. They see the big picture and can analyze the
parts. They are willing to acknowledge and respect others’ points of view.


Appendix B:

Leading Schools

with Habits of Mind


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