
(Niar) #1

module 62 Monopoly and Public Policy 623

Section 11 Market Structures: Perfect Competition and Monopoly
1 point:The axes are correctly labeled.

1 point:The demand curve is labeled and sloped downward.

1 point:The marginal revenue curve is labeled, sloped downward, and below
the demand curve.

1 point:The average total cost curve is labeled and downward sloping (not

1 point:The marginal cost curve is labeled and below the average total cost

1 point:The profit-maximizing output, QM,is shown on the horizontal axis

1 point:The profit-maximizing price is found on the demand curve above the
point where MC=MR.

1 point:The monopoly profit area is correctly shaded and identified.

1 point:The regulated price is labeled on the vertical axis to the left of the point
where the demand curve crosses the average total cost curve.

  1. Draw a correctly labeled graph of a natural monopoly. Use
    your graph to identify each of the following:
    a. consumer surplus if the market were somehow able to
    operate as a perfectly competitive market
    b. consumer surplus with the monopoly
    c. monopoly profit
    d. deadweight loss with the monopoly

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