
(Niar) #1

that with perfect competition in the labor market, the additional cost of hiring another
worker (the MFCL) is always equal to the market wage, and the labor supply curve faced
by an individual firm is horizontal, as shown in Figure 71.4.
The labor supply curve faced by a firm is very different in a labor market character-
ized by imperfect competition: it is upward sloping and the marginal factor cost is
above the market wage. Unlike a perfect competitor that is small and cannot affect the
market, a firm in an imperfectly competitive labor market is large enough to affect the
market wage. For example, a labor market in which there is only one firm hiring labor
is called a monopsony.A monopsonistis the single buyer of a factor. Perhaps you’ve

module 71 The Market for Labor 701

Section 13 Factor Markets
figure 71.3

Firm Labor Demand with
Imperfect Competition
A firm’s labor demand curve is the marginal rev-
enue product of labor curve, which differs from the
value of the marginal product of labor curve when
there is imperfect competition in the product mar-
ket (as with a monopoly, for example). With perfect
competition, the marginal revenue product of labor
(MPL ×MR) and the value of the marginal product
of labor (MPL ×P) are the same because MR =P.

Labor demand
curve, MRPL


Quantity of labor

figure 71.4

Firm Labor Supply in a Perfectly
Competitive Labor Market
In a perfectly competitive labor market, the labor
supply curve faced by an individual firm is horizon-
tal at the market equilibrium wage because the
firm is so small relative to the market that it can
hire all the labor that it wants at the market wage.
For this reason, the labor supply curve for a firm in
a perfectly competitive labor market is equivalent
to the marginal factor cost of labor curve.

Firm labor
supply curve,
factor cost
of labor


Quantity of labor

market wage

A monopsonistis a single buyer in a factor
market. A market in which there is a
monopsonist is a monopsony.
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