
(Niar) #1
Tackle the Test:
Free-Response Question

At an interest rate below equilibrium, the quantity of
money demanded exceeds the quantity of money supplied.
People want to shift more of their wealth out of interest-
bearing assets such as CDs and hold it as money instead.
Because the quantity of interest-bearing nonmoney assets
demanded is less than the quantity supplied, those trying
to sell these assets will have to offer a higher interest rate
to attract buyers. As the interest rate rises, the quantity of
money demanded decreases. This process continues until
the market returns to equilibrium.

Module 29
Check Your Understanding

  1. a.As capital flows into the economy, the supply of loanable
    funds increases. This is illustrated by the shift of the sup-
    ply curve from S 1 to S 2 in the accompanying diagram. As
    the equilibrium moves from E 1 to E 2 , the equilibrium
    interest rate falls from r 1 to r 2 , and the equilibrium quan-
    tity of loanable funds increases from Q 1 to Q 2.

b.Savings fall due to the higher proportion of retired peo-
ple, and the supply of loanable funds decreases. This is
illustrated by the leftward shift of the supply curve from
S 1 to S 2 in the accompanying diagram. The equilibrium
moves from E 1 to E 2 , the equilibrium interest rate rises
from r 1 to r 2 , and the equilibrium quantity of loanable
funds falls from Q 1 to Q 2.

of money



rate, r





Q 1 Q 2 Quantity of
loanable funds

r 1

r 2

rate, r

S 1
S 2

E 1

E 2


Tackle the Test:

Free-Response Question

    1. provide financial services to depository
      institutions—regional Federal Reserve banks

  1. supervise and regulate banking institutions—regional
    Federal Reserve banks and the Board of Governors

  2. maintain the stability of the financial system—the
    Board of Governors

  3. conduct monetary policy—the Federal Open Market

Module 28

Check Your Understanding

  1. a.By increasing the opportunity cost of holding money, a
    high interest rate reduces the quantity of money demand-
    ed. This is a movement up and to the left along the
    money demand curve.
    b.A 10% fall in prices reduces the quantity of money
    demanded at any given interest rate, shifting the money
    demand curve leftward.
    c.This technological change reduces the quantity of money
    demanded at any given interest rate, so it shifts the
    money demand curve leftward.
    d.Payments in cash require employers to hold more
    money, increasing the quantity of money demanded at
    any given interest rate. So it shifts the money demand
    curve rightward.

  2. a.A 1% purchase fee on debit/credit card transactions
    for purchases less than $50 increases the benefit of hold-
    ing cash because consumers will save money by paying
    with cash.
    b.An increase in the interest paid on six-month CDs raises
    the opportunity cost of holding cash because holding
    cash requires forgoing the higher interest paid.
    c.A fall in real estate prices has no effect on the opportuni-
    ty cost or benefit of holding cash because real estate is an
    illiquid asset and therefore isn’t relevant in the decision
    of how much cash to hold. Also, real estate transactions
    are generally not carried out using cash.
    d.Because many purchases of food are made in cash, a sig-
    nificant increase in the cost of food increases the benefit
    of holding cash.

Tackle the Test:

Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. d

  2. d

  3. b

  4. d

  5. e


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