Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1
Implementing Structures, Unions, and TypeDefs 261


When you have declared the array of structures, you can manipulate the data in many
ways. For example, to assign the data in one array element to another array element, you
would write
list[1] = list[5];
This statement assigns to each member of the structure list[1]the values contained in
the corresponding members of list[5]. You can also move data between individual
structure members. The statement
strcpy(list[1].phone, list[5].phone);
copies the string in list[5].phonetolist[1].phone. (The strcpy()library function
copies one string to another string. You’ll learn the details of this on Day 17,
“Manipulating Strings.”) If you want to, you can also move data between individual ele-
ments of the structure member arrays:
list[5].phone[1] = list[2].phone[3];
This statement moves the second character of list[5]’s phone number to the fourth
position in list[2]’s phone number. (Don’t forget that subscripts start at offset 0.)
Listing 11.4 demonstrates the use of arrays of structures. Moreover, it demonstrates
arrays of structures that contain arrays as members.

LISTING11.4 strucarr.c. Arrays of structures
1: /* Demonstrates using arrays of structures. */
3: #include <stdio.h>
5: /* Define a structure to hold entries. */
7: struct entry {
8: char fname[20];
9: char lname[20];
10: char phone[10];
11: };
13: /* Declare an array of structures. */
15: struct entry list[4];
17: int i;
19: int main( void )
20: {

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