Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1
Advanced Program Control 335


  1. What does the defaultstatement do?

  2. What does the exit()function do?

  3. What does the system()function do?

Exercises ........................................................................................................

  1. Write a statement that causes control of the program to go to the next iteration in a

  2. Write the statement(s) that send control of a program to the end of a loop.

  3. Write a line of code that displays a listing of all the files in the current directory
    (for a DOS system).
    4.BUG BUSTER:Is anything wrong with the following code?
    switch( answer )
    case ‘Y’: printf(“You answered yes”);
    case ‘N’: printf( “You answered no”);
    5.BUG BUSTER:Is anything wrong with the following code?
    switch( choice )
    printf(“You did not choose 1 or 2”);
    case 1:
    printf(“You answered 1”);
    case 2:
    printf( “You answered 2”);

  4. Rewrite exercise 5 using ifstatements.

  5. Write an infinite do...whileloop.
    Because of the multitude of possible answers for the following exercises, answers are not
    provided. These are exercises for you to try “on your own.”
    8.ON YOUR OWN:Write a program that works like a calculator. The program
    should allow for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
    9.ON YOUR OWN:Write a program that provides a menu with five options. The
    fifth option should quit the program. Each of the other options should execute a
    system command using the system()function.

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