Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1
The input was: William Shakespeare
The stream stdinwas redirected to the disk file INPUT.TXT, so the program’s call to
gets()reads one line of text from the file rather than the keyboard.
You can redirect input and output at the same time. Try running the program with the fol-
lowing command to redirect stdinto the file INPUT.TXT and redirect stdoutto
redirect < INPUT.TXT > JUNK.TXT
Redirectingstdinandstdoutcan be useful in certain situations. A sorting program, for
example, could sort either keyboard input or the contents of a disk file. Likewise, a mail-
ing list program could display addresses on-screen, send them to the printer for mailing
labels, or place them in a file for some other use.

370 Day 14

Remember that redirecting stdinandstdoutis a feature of the operating
system and not of the C language itself. However, it does provide another
example of the flexibility of streams. You can check your operating system
documentation for more information on redirection.


When to Use fprintf()....................................................................................

As mentioned earlier, the library function fprintf()is identical to printf(), except that
you can specify the stream to which output is sent. The main use of fprintf()involves
disk files, as explained on Day 16. There are two other uses, as explained here.


One of C’s predefined streams is stderr(standard error). A program’s error messages
traditionally are sent to the stream stderrand not to stdout. Why is this?
As you just learned, output to stdoutcan be redirected to a destination other than the
display screen. If stdoutis redirected, the user might not be aware of any error messages
the program sends to stdout. Unlike stdout,stderrcan’t be redirected and is always
connected to the screen (at least in DOS—UNIX systems might allow redirection of
stderr). By directing error messages to stderr, you can be sure the user always sees
them. You do this with fprintf():
fprintf(stderr, “An error has occurred.”);
You can write a function to handle error messages and then call the function when an
error occurs rather than calling fprintf():

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