Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1
Enter the number of characters to copy (1-26)
Before strncpy destination = ..........................
After strncpy destination = abcdefghijklmno...........
In addition to demonstrating the strncpy()function, this program also illustrates
an effective way to ensure that only correct information is entered by the user.
Lines 13–20 contain a whileloop that prompts the user for a number from 1–26. The
loop continues until a valid value is entered, so the program can’t continue until the user
enters a valid value. When a number between 1 and 26 is entered, line 22 prints the origi-
nal value of dest, line 24 copies the number of characters specified by the user from
sourcetodest, and line 26 prints the final value of dest.

486 Day 17



Be sure that the number of characters copied doesn’t exceed the allocated
size of the destination. Also, be aware that strncpy()does not add a null


Thestrdup()Function ................................................................................

There is another string copying function worth mentioning. The strdup()function is
similar to strcpy(), except that strdup()performs its own memory allocation for the
destination string with a call to malloc(). In effect, it does what you did in Listing 17.2,
allocating space with malloc()and then calling strcpy().
You should note that strdup()is not an ANSI-standard function. It is included with
many compilers including the Microsoft, Borland, and Symantec C libraries, but it might
not be present (or it might be different) in other C compilers.
The prototype for strdup()is
char *strdup( char *source );
The argument source is a pointer to the source string. The function returns a pointer to
the destination string—the space allocated by malloc()—orNULLif the needed memory
can’t be allocated. Listing 17.4 demonstrates the use of strdup().

LISTING17.4 strdup.c. Using strdup()to copy a string with automatic memory
1: /* The non-ANSI strdup() function. */
2: #include <stdlib.h>

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