Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1
Object-Oriented Programming Languages 647


Quiz ..............................................................................................................

  1. What are the characteristics of an object-oriented programming language?

  2. A function can be defined more than once with different parameters. This is an
    example of what?

  3. What keywords are in C but not in C++?

  4. Can C be used to do object-oriented programming?

  5. Does Java include all the features found in C++?

  6. Can you write a procedural program in C++ or Java?

  7. The printf()function is used to print in C. What command is used to print in

  8. What command is used to print in Java?

  9. What command is used to print in C#?

Exercises ........................................................................................................

  1. Review your C compiler to determine whether it will also compile C++. If so,
    change the compiler option on your compiler to compile for C++ rather than C (if
    necessary). Recompile a couple of your C programs written earlier in this book.

The compilers included with this book will work with the C++ programs.

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