C/C++ Reserved Words
The identifiers listed in Table B.1 are reserved and keywords for C. You should-
n’t use them for any other purpose in a C program. They are allowed, of course,
within double quotation marks.
Also included is a list of words that aren’t reserved in C but are C++ reserved
words. These C++ reserved words aren’t described here, but if there’s a chance
your C programs might eventually be ported to C++, you need to avoid these
words as well.
TABLEB.1 Reserved C keywords
Keyword Description
asm Keyword that denotes inline assembly language code.
auto The default storage class. Means to create the variable on entry to
the block and destroy it on exit from the block.
break Command that exits for,while,switch, anddo...whilestatements
case Command used within the switchstatement.
char The simplest C data type.
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