Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1

  1. Open the file using the fopen()library function.

  2. When using fopen(), you must specify the name of the disk file to open and the
    mode to open it in. The function fopen()returns a pointer to type FILE; this
    pointer is used in subsequent file access functions to refer to the specific file.

  3. Formatted, character, and direct.

  4. Sequential and random.
    6.EOFis the end-of-file flag. It is a symbolic constant equal to -1.
    7.EOFis used with text files to determine when the end of the file has been reached.

  5. In binary mode, you must use the feof()function. In text mode, you can look for
    theEOFcharacter or use feof().

  6. The file position indicator indicates the position in a given file where the next read
    or write operation will occur. You can modify the file position indicator with

  7. The file position indicator points to the first character of the file, or offset 0. The
    one exception is if you open an existing file in append mode, in which case the
    position indicator points to the end of the file.


2.rewind(fp);andfseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);

  1. You can’t use the EOFcheck with a binary file. You should use the feof()function

Answers for Day 17


  1. The length of a string is the number of characters between the start of the string
    and the terminating null character (not counting the null character). You can deter-
    mine the length of a string using the strlen()function.

  2. You must be sure to allocate sufficient storage space for the new string.
    3.Concatenatemeans to join two strings, appending one string to the end of another.

  3. When you compare strings, “greater than” means that one string’s ASCII values are
    larger than the other string’s ASCII values.
    5.strcmp()compares two entire strings. strncmp()compares only a specified num-
    ber of characters within the string.

868 Appendix F

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