Week 10
Self-responsibility to me means....
If I take 5 percent more responsibility for my life and well-being....
When I avoid responsibility for my life and well-being....
If I take 5 percent more responsibility for the attainment of my goals....
If I avoid responsibility for the attainment of my goals....
Week 11
If I take 5 percent more responsibility for the success of my relationships....
Sometimes I keep myself passive when I....
Sometimes I make myself helpless when I....
I am becoming aware....
Week 12
If I take 5 percent more responsibility for my standard of living....
If I take 5 percent more responsibility for my choice of companions....
If I take 5 percent more responsibility for my personal happiness....
If I take 5 percent more responsibility for the level of my self-esteem....
Week 13
Self-assertiveness to me means....
If I lived 5 percent more assertively today....
If I treat my thoughts and feelings with respect today....
If I treat my wants with respect today....