x (^) | ContEnts
Chapter 12 Design for Life....................................... 273
by Juhan Sonin
Bloodletting to Bloodless............................. 273
The Surveillance Invasion............................ 278
Life First—Health a Distant Second.................. 281
Stage Zero Detection................................ 284
From Protein to Pixel to Policy...................... 286
Final Thoughts...................................... 287
Chapter 13 Architecture as Interface: Advocating a Hybrid
Design Approach for Interconnected
Environments........................................ 289
by Erin Rae Hoffer
The Blur of Interconnected Environments.......... 289
Theorizing Digital Culture: New Models of
Convergence.......................................... 292
Hybrid Design Practice............................... 295
Changing Definitions of Space...................... 300
A Framework for Interconnected Environments..... 301
Spheres of Inquiry.................................... 303
An Exercise in Hybrid Design Practice.............. 305
Architecture as Interface............................. 307
Conclusion........................................... 309
References............................................ 310
Chapter 14 Design for the Networked World: A Practice for
the Twenty-First Century............................. 313
by Matt Nish-Lapidus
The Future of Design................................. 313
New Environment, New Materials.................... 316
New Tools for a New Craft............................ 325