(^134) | dEsiGninG for EMErGinG tECHnoLoGiEs
This left me wondering if this simple game, not all that effective with-
out my presence, could be translated into the kinds of experiences I’m
describing here? Could this be improved, to satisfy the identified five
design principles?
Here’s my concept: what if we combined my pre-math Teddy Graham
game with an iPad? As depicted in Figure 5 - 7 , what if we exchanged the
crackers for a set of short cylinders (like knobs on a stereo), and what
if we figured out how to get these knobs talking to the iPad. Could that
work? Is that possible? Even though this could be accomplished with a
set of Sifteo blocks, the costs would be prohibitive for such a singular
focus, especially where you’d want up to 10 knobs. I’m treating these
as single-purpose objects, with the brains offloaded to the device on
which they sit (in this case the iPad). Hence, the “appcessory” label.
f gure 5-7. i appcessory concept and walkthrough