(^306) | dEsiGninG for EMErGinG tECHnoLoGiEs
- Design the space and outfit it with a series of Internet-enabled
devices. Be specific about the devices; specify the data they gather.
What does each device do to process, store, analyze, or transmit
information? - Next, design an interaction for a visitor to this space that takes
advantage of emerging technology to convey meaning and engage
visitors through experience. Script or storyboard this interaction.
TAB LE 13 -1. sample
SENSING w hat light, sound,
smells, and
temperature should
the visitor experience?
How can sensors
augment what
the visitor should
be aware of while
occupying the space?
w ho is the visitor?
w hat is the purpose
of the visit?
w hat interactions
should occur
between multiple
visitors arriving at
the same time, or
one after another?
ANALYSIS w hat analysis should
be done on the
in light, accumulation
of heat?
w hat insights
should the space
produce about the
visitor’s behavior?
w hat actions of
others outside the
space should be
considered? How
should they be
COMMUNICATION How should spatial
conditions be
communicated and
conveyed? How
should the space be
organized to present
these reports?
How should
behaviors be
w hich social
interactions should
be reported? How
can they be useful
to visitors to the