Chapter 14. Analyze and Adapt
The worst thing you can do is just take that information and file it away. That
would serve no purpose even if all you get are glowing reviews about how
great your content is. In fact, if your content does get rave reviews, you might
want to take an even deeper look at where you might be faltering especially
because your competition won’t let you off the hook so easily.
When everything is roses, it’s easy to relax and even become complacent. If
you do become complacent, you are only asking for trouble. The fact is that
your social media marketing strategy needs to be in constant evolution along
with the changes in the behavioral patterns of your customers, viewers, and
However, when you don’t get such positive feedback and reviews, you need
to decide on what direction your content will take. Sure, it’s true that not all
content performs in the same manner. Nonetheless, when you can observe a
trend, then you need to do something about it.
If you begin to observe a negative trend, then you would need to address it as
soon as possible in order for you to turn the ship around and get your metrics
back on track.